Saturday, June 4, 2011

Winning for our Veterans

We need to start as a people who care what happens to our troops and there families, we need to tell our Government that we are done watching veterans have to fight win they come home and that we will work to have prosecution legally of anyone that does not stand with our veterans that is a part of this government because we know for a fact, they are promising our soldiers at recruiting stations that they will be taken care of, if any thing happens to them while serving that they are Veterans and soldiers who have nothing to worry about. Why can't our government keep what are recruiters are saying, in court we hear all the time that a person or company who represents something and then does'nt follow through as broken a law. They have made a person believe something and by so doing they are in fact making a verbal contract because they are acting as agents for that branch of service so they have a responsibility to carry out what they have asserted to be a responsibility of theres. We spend thousands and even billions a year taking care of people that many have never done anything to receive financial support from welfare resources but yet those who serve even one day place there lives in harms way because as such those who wear a uniform become enemys because we fight for liberty as soldiers. If you have served I pray for you, may God bless you and bring you home safely and may God do the judging of any who stand against you. We need to stand up as a people and guarantee are soldiers a home and financial security when they return home there are many good Veteran outreaches out there and I personally would recommend supporting any group that supports our soldiers but thay are all being limited in what finances they have to work with and if the government would get out of the way and start taking care of our vets and there families maybe we would see more encouraged soldiers instead of suicides, our soldiers are way to often having to fight our own government to get benefits there should not be such a fight but when they limit funds to our Veterans Admistration then they pick and choose and that is not a balanced verdict, there should be no limit to our soldiers and  there families and we should start limiting some other areas of finnce such as billions given to other countrys they are not abiding by the USC which is the code of law, Title 38 shows who should be getting benefits and there are many soldiers that should be getting benefits that are not, that is a sad state of affairs they try to get there benefits and they don't get them because our Veterans Administration seems to work harder to get you out of the system rather than in and given what is rightfully theirs. Thank you for your service, and If you agree  please place a comment on this site,  or at least write back and recommend this site to your friends. 

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