Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Once needed, twice forgotten

I am writing to tell folks we need to get involved for our Veterans and tell our government that we are sick and tired of being a people that give our Vets very little. We seem to be a land of people that forget more often than not about those who serve or have served and that we just give enough people benifits to appease our conscience. We say we care and we love being free but yet it has been a long line of Veterans that made this land so.people who are serious will get involved people who are real quit worrying about themselves and start helping others we have had are rights taken, one by one and if this government has its choice,they will take tell you have no rights, well the thing that always amazes me is those who are against our soldiers are only who they are and voice what they want because of a soldier or veteran.Will you stand for our vets and will you hear those who have given so much or only hear those who, cackle about what they want or think and wine about rights that they should have or what they want and yet forget so quickly what and who gave them those rights. Tell your senate and congress to take care of our vets and give to them and quit asking for more all the time when you don't take care with what we got lets pay for shrimp treadmills and trout aggression and why pigs stink and make vets fight to survive What a shameful nation when we forget what and how and especially WHO.

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