Veterans and soldiers not being cared for like they should and a Government deception
Friday, November 18, 2011
Veterans help and, VSO services
Have you ever felt like no one is listening or really cares about you your service or your disabilities. Been there done that and have changed VSO's twice. I even had to contact the national service office to file a complaint because I was contacting the VSO and they were not responding to any of my calls. The problem is no one will fight for you, like you. The point that there are many good volunteer's and paid VSO's out there but there are just as many that do not put the effort in that you need from them. The problem is that many try to make a judgement of what is right or not and that should not be the case all a VSO officer should be concerned with are your needs and the law concerning your case and needs. We as a nation need to get back to caring about one another and not just our opinions. It is time for this nation to put out what they require by example, meaning we tell insurance companys that they have to take responsibilitys for an injury caused at work. The same should be true of our veterans who are injured in the line of service whether war related or just involving an injury at and while serving period, even in peacetime. If you served you receive my utmost honor to you for serving. You are not alone and you are my brother if you served or are serving. Hold your head high and let no one judge you and make sure you walk as to resemble a person who has been taught the traditions of service. You are our honorable veterans. If you need help with anything contact me and I'll help point you in a direction to wear you can get any kind of good legal council however nothing I say is to commit to taking in responsibility for the council you get . May our God richly bless and keep you and may you reap a harvest of benefit for your good heart and committment to serve.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
When to quit
The question of when to quit, comes our way in life by many circumstances, we all live in a, if I could only win kind of attitude. I live that way from day to day and I am a beleiver and a Veteran but sometimes its just time to quit, no matter what you do know, the people around you will always weigh your faults no matter how few as greater then your accomplishments. Yes I am whining but I'm tired of trying to be right by my moral beleifs and also be expected to live by everyone elses thoughts and ideas. The Bible says let every man be persuaded in himself, but everyone else will tell you that you are wrong and it doesn't matter what you do someone will disagree. You can do a million good things but the few bad things that have happened in your life, will always outweigh it in their minds. Its like being a veteran doesn't matter because you haven't got a set amount of time. The thought of working for DOD wasn't even enough or not that important and fighting fire for the county or state, is only good if you are still doing it . You can feed thousands and you'll be remembered for the one you didn't feed. I wish sometimes I could just be me and gain respect for what I am without people always looking for an alternative motive. We as a people always have more hope in the failure of others then in the success of a person , friend or foe. Well i've been told that God will remember and I pray that is true, it seems no one else will. They will just judge any negative they can dig up, and if they can't find negative they will create something, well win ,lose, or draw you got to always have a feeling to quit, but I pray someone will look at someone different and look for the hope and know that the Bible says a righteous man falls seven times and gets back up. What is a Veterans when to quit.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Once needed, twice forgotten
I am writing to tell folks we need to get involved for our Veterans and tell our government that we are sick and tired of being a people that give our Vets very little. We seem to be a land of people that forget more often than not about those who serve or have served and that we just give enough people benifits to appease our conscience. We say we care and we love being free but yet it has been a long line of Veterans that made this land so.people who are serious will get involved people who are real quit worrying about themselves and start helping others we have had are rights taken, one by one and if this government has its choice,they will take tell you have no rights, well the thing that always amazes me is those who are against our soldiers are only who they are and voice what they want because of a soldier or veteran.Will you stand for our vets and will you hear those who have given so much or only hear those who, cackle about what they want or think and wine about rights that they should have or what they want and yet forget so quickly what and who gave them those rights. Tell your senate and congress to take care of our vets and give to them and quit asking for more all the time when you don't take care with what we got lets pay for shrimp treadmills and trout aggression and why pigs stink and make vets fight to survive What a shameful nation when we forget what and how and especially WHO.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Suicide by Veterans
Suicide by veterans continuously on the rise, my question to you is what is causing the suicide rate with Veterans to rise? They say on average there is approximately about 15-18 a day committing suicide of our Veterans and that to me is unacceptable. We need to be taking care of our Veterans no matter what and that ought to be our stance as a people and a government but we can't even get them concerned about more than there power it seems and what I so have so much question about is why there are senators and congressman that seem to not want to even respond to our soldiers or there constitutents when asked about these things or a veterans rights but instead they go on trying to get another bridge built or are so busy blaming the other party. We need to start fighting for our vets and there families , I would like to start a program where we see people giving to our veterans on a continuous program such as benefits for health care and also for our veterans eating in resteraunts across this nation as well as travel benefits. Why ? you might ask but if you notice you are free and if it wasn't for our veterans service, that would not be, sure its nice to say thank you for your service but how about serving them for that service give a discount for veterans or a gift certificate or maybe a room to stay in for the night and that means anytime not just when there homeless, maybe when there on vacation or just passing thru . The government wants to be in control of our programs, but it seems they can't even help themselves or run the government as it is. So we the people need to take up what belongs to the people in the first place, did you know our forefathers at one point considered putting a cap on taxation but they thought a 2 % tax would never have to worry about reaching ten percent it was ludicrous to think it would ever get to that and now they put taxation on every body beyond that. We will continue to keep going on taxation and fees so long as we never put limits on our government, it becomes a no limit credit card and they can't stop because they won't limit themselves on expenditures. The Veterans are our responsibility and this has always been so. It seems we have forgotten as a religeous nation that the Bible places many responsibility's on us, such as feeding the poor thats why the fields had a percentage left behind for the poor and the widows. The ministers of a nation were given property and they are the ministers and warriors of a nation created for service. The Bible speaks against a king that take a childrens inheritance as being evil and the bible also speaks of debts being forgiven every seven years not filing and filling out a pemission slip for forgiveness. If you don't forgive debt you won't be forgiven and the Bible speaks of a limit on taxation to a certain amount and it was the same for both the rich and the poor that way there is no favoritism or strain, the things that we as a nation do are all full of deception. The Democrats against the Republicans when in reality there is dception all around and that none of these guys are doing what is right, the Bible also says that he who doesn't take care of his own is worse than an infidel. Enough for the preaching my point is lets take care of those who serve, they deserve it. If you would like to help then contact me at we can get this back where it should be and lets work on this imbalance in the system. Soldier we hear you Veteran we care.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Winning for our Veterans
We need to start as a people who care what happens to our troops and there families, we need to tell our Government that we are done watching veterans have to fight win they come home and that we will work to have prosecution legally of anyone that does not stand with our veterans that is a part of this government because we know for a fact, they are promising our soldiers at recruiting stations that they will be taken care of, if any thing happens to them while serving that they are Veterans and soldiers who have nothing to worry about. Why can't our government keep what are recruiters are saying, in court we hear all the time that a person or company who represents something and then does'nt follow through as broken a law. They have made a person believe something and by so doing they are in fact making a verbal contract because they are acting as agents for that branch of service so they have a responsibility to carry out what they have asserted to be a responsibility of theres. We spend thousands and even billions a year taking care of people that many have never done anything to receive financial support from welfare resources but yet those who serve even one day place there lives in harms way because as such those who wear a uniform become enemys because we fight for liberty as soldiers. If you have served I pray for you, may God bless you and bring you home safely and may God do the judging of any who stand against you. We need to stand up as a people and guarantee are soldiers a home and financial security when they return home there are many good Veteran outreaches out there and I personally would recommend supporting any group that supports our soldiers but thay are all being limited in what finances they have to work with and if the government would get out of the way and start taking care of our vets and there families maybe we would see more encouraged soldiers instead of suicides, our soldiers are way to often having to fight our own government to get benefits there should not be such a fight but when they limit funds to our Veterans Admistration then they pick and choose and that is not a balanced verdict, there should be no limit to our soldiers and there families and we should start limiting some other areas of finnce such as billions given to other countrys they are not abiding by the USC which is the code of law, Title 38 shows who should be getting benefits and there are many soldiers that should be getting benefits that are not, that is a sad state of affairs they try to get there benefits and they don't get them because our Veterans Administration seems to work harder to get you out of the system rather than in and given what is rightfully theirs. Thank you for your service, and If you agree please place a comment on this site, or at least write back and recommend this site to your friends.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Justice department against Veterans
The Justice Department, has decided that it will make a statement declaring that the law does not give rights of benefits to veterans. This is an interesting thing, being that if you go to work in all states that company must provide workers compensation to those who are or may be injured. It seems somehow that we the people does not mean we the people but instead the Justice Department has decided that they are the authority on what is right, however law declares that in a time of peace by title 38 part two chapter 11 subchapter four, 1131 that at peace time service that you are as a veteran entitled to compensation due to injuries incurred or diseases incurred or aggravated in the line of duty. This is law under the United States code.
I find it incomparably irresponsible of a government that asks its men and women to serve and allows them to be injured in a time of war or of peace not to take responsibility for those people. There is however, also a US code for wartime disabilities incurred or aggravated injuries or diseases, so long as they were discharged under any other than dishonorable, or caused by willful misconduct of said person. This is located at USC title 38 part two chapter 11 subchapter two, 1110. You can find both at Cornell Law University site representing USC.
I have heard, and you have heard that there are people that just play the system. I however am amazed that in many states we give welfare to people who have not done anything to receive this and that money on most parts is supplied by federal and state funding. I believe that if we are going to financially support anyone it should be first to those who have served even one single day in service to our country, so long as that service cannot be identified with dishonorable discharge. Don't get me wrong, I believe we have a duty to help the poor and hungry, homeless, destitute, and widows and orphans. However much of the time helping would be better rendered by teaching an occupation that would give them their own means of support and responsibility.
I know that there are many people who do not agree with these wars that we're in, and I would preferably not have our soldiers in this situation, but they are. They did not decide to start this war, they only decided to be servants of the people and protectors of what is good and solemn. I take my hat off to you soldiers and I bless you and pray that God go with you and bring you home safely. We need to bring this nation back to responsibility by making our government, who are supposed to be servants of the people, take care of their responsibility to our men and women in uniform and to veterans who have served and their families.
We are still the United States of America. We can as a people restore all that is good, and return to the values that we so often have allowed judges to declare that fathers and mothers must pay child support, that companies shall keep workmen's comp so that if our children have needs they are met and workers who are injured on the job are taken care of and compensated so that they and their families can continue to survive in those times of tragedy. So we know less, as a people must require our government to take care of our soldiers and our veterans. They say we don't have the money to take care of all the needs, and I tell you that as a parent they would not allow me to get away with not having money to take care of my child or to provide workmen comp to my employees so that they are covered under bad circumstances. We need to first, take care of our own and quit supplying the billions of dollars to all these other nations, and not fully and completely take care of our veterans. Thank you and may God bless you in your endeavors soldiers and veterans
I find it incomparably irresponsible of a government that asks its men and women to serve and allows them to be injured in a time of war or of peace not to take responsibility for those people. There is however, also a US code for wartime disabilities incurred or aggravated injuries or diseases, so long as they were discharged under any other than dishonorable, or caused by willful misconduct of said person. This is located at USC title 38 part two chapter 11 subchapter two, 1110. You can find both at Cornell Law University site representing USC.
I have heard, and you have heard that there are people that just play the system. I however am amazed that in many states we give welfare to people who have not done anything to receive this and that money on most parts is supplied by federal and state funding. I believe that if we are going to financially support anyone it should be first to those who have served even one single day in service to our country, so long as that service cannot be identified with dishonorable discharge. Don't get me wrong, I believe we have a duty to help the poor and hungry, homeless, destitute, and widows and orphans. However much of the time helping would be better rendered by teaching an occupation that would give them their own means of support and responsibility.
I know that there are many people who do not agree with these wars that we're in, and I would preferably not have our soldiers in this situation, but they are. They did not decide to start this war, they only decided to be servants of the people and protectors of what is good and solemn. I take my hat off to you soldiers and I bless you and pray that God go with you and bring you home safely. We need to bring this nation back to responsibility by making our government, who are supposed to be servants of the people, take care of their responsibility to our men and women in uniform and to veterans who have served and their families.
We are still the United States of America. We can as a people restore all that is good, and return to the values that we so often have allowed judges to declare that fathers and mothers must pay child support, that companies shall keep workmen's comp so that if our children have needs they are met and workers who are injured on the job are taken care of and compensated so that they and their families can continue to survive in those times of tragedy. So we know less, as a people must require our government to take care of our soldiers and our veterans. They say we don't have the money to take care of all the needs, and I tell you that as a parent they would not allow me to get away with not having money to take care of my child or to provide workmen comp to my employees so that they are covered under bad circumstances. We need to first, take care of our own and quit supplying the billions of dollars to all these other nations, and not fully and completely take care of our veterans. Thank you and may God bless you in your endeavors soldiers and veterans
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Whats real and what isn't, government control
We are currently looking to give billions to other countries, while in the mean time we are still neck high in unemployment. It doesn't matter whether you're Republican or Democratic it all works out the same we keep spending and spending and it comes to the same result, no money is no money and the only reason we have none is because we have the same people wanting to keep spending no matter what we have in the account and nobody figures out that it only hurts the American people and not the politicians they get paid no matter what and they throw us off course by getting us believing things like the oil companys are making so much but is that true or is it more likely that the tax is making more off the oil then the companies are off of the oil. We need to quit fighting each other and figure out the facts we make are soldiers go through things and guess what many familys have got to be on food stamps and help. We take care of other nations and make are veterans fight with all their strength just to get what should be theirs because they served one day or ten years if you served you deserve help they lie to our soldiers and care nothing about our troops. I know a soldier that was booted out of the military with Scoliosis after lifting a piece of furniture and hurting his back and its amazing a shoulder hurt alsoby that lift, and they did a surgery that never appeared in his records but was kept in the hospital afterwards and they say no record, how convenient, and kicked out over pre existing but they did not read where it was only a offense of not entry capable upon a basis of 20% or more. It sounds like a way out to me of taking care of their responsibility, worked on and off as he could for twenty years two shoulder surgerys and constant pain but he deserves nothing showing even by working as civilian police in DOD on a base that it was recorded but oh well screw him. How bout the soldier that came back from Iraq and every day spends puking and thay keep saying nothing is wrong with him even had a fifteen hundred pound door slam on his ankle, and nothings wrong . We care about Egypt and Yemen, Etc but soldiers only if we have too. My hats off to you and I bless you for your service if you need a meal I'll be glad to serve need a shoulder here Iam, need carriied i'll do what I can May God reward your service Soldier you are America one and all, may your light shine in this darkness, signing off fogotten Soldier
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